Epicenter Cycling | Bike Shop - Electric & Traditional | Santa Cruz

Electric and traditional bike sales, rentals and service in Santa Cruz County

1730 Mission St, Santa Cruz 831.423.9000 - 8035 Soquel Dr, Aptos 831.662.8100

We love bikes and are your one stop for all things bicycle-related! We offer electric and traditional bikes for purchase; rental/demo bikes; cycling apparel, parts & accessories, an exceptional service department, and a mountain bike shuttle service from our Aptos store. Owned by local Shawn Wilson, and operated by friends & family.

Epicenter Cycling’s 10th Annual Turkey Day Ride

Ride for Pie

Join us Thanksgiving morning, November 25, for a pedal up to Sand Point through Nisene Marks State Park ... and earn the day's upcoming feast.

Gather at our Aptos shop at 7:45 (coffee provided); wheels roll at 8:00. We'll kick off the merry-making with pie at the top!