Epicenter Cycling | Bike Shop - Electric & Traditional | Santa Cruz

Electric and traditional bike sales, rentals and service in Santa Cruz County

1730 Mission St, Santa Cruz 831.423.9000 - 8035 Soquel Dr, Aptos 831.662.8100

We love bikes and are your one stop for all things bicycle-related! We offer electric and traditional bikes for purchase; rental/demo bikes; cycling apparel, parts & accessories, an exceptional service department, and a mountain bike shuttle service from our Aptos store. Owned by local Shawn Wilson, and operated by friends & family.

A Look Back on the COVID Pandemic

Photo of Casey Brown and Ryan Howard by Ian Collins.

Photo of Casey Brown and Ryan Howard by Ian Collins.

Wow, what a past year and a half!

California reopened its economy on June 15, 2021 after a long fifteen months of restrictions and uncertainty.

Per the public health officer’s latest order, there will be no more social distancing, no more capacity limits on businesses, and relaxed mask guidelines within the state of California.

Steps are in place to bring about recovery and the return to normalcy, bringing a sense of relief and optimism to our community.

In Reflection 

Regardless of socioeconomic status or other factors related to one’s identity, 2020 was a year of stress, loss, and uncertainty. On March 19, 2020, the whole state received the first stay-at-home order, changing our lives significantly. Twenty million people lost their jobs that year; the rest worked from home, on the front line, or classified as essential workers.

The year 2020 for many felt like the perfect storm of social, political, environmental, and economic unrest.

Collectively, we may just be seeing the tip of the iceberg of how much COVID-19 impacted our lives and the world around us so far. Rightly so, since we are only at the beginning of a recovery process. But let’s sigh out of relief: we are in a stage of recovery finally. 

Silver Linings

Despite the hardships of the global crisis, there were silver linings: 

  • Due to the reduction of travel, we saw significant decreases in environmental pollution. 

  • People became more mindful of their work/life balance. 

  • Individuals and communities stepped up to the plate to help each other amid the crisis. 

  • Many realized the importance of human connection for their well-being. 

  • Businesses became more innovative in response to COVID-19. 

  • Individuals focused more on their mental and physical health. 

Undoubtedly, there are more silver linings that could be acknowledged. So do reflect on your own. It’s worthwhile to recognize the good as well as the bad in any situation. 

Bike Boom

After the order to stay at home and socially distance from others, many business owners anticipated a dramatic decline in sales. Unfortunately, this did come true for many businesses and industries. 

The bike industry, however, boomed. Bike, component, and gear sales skyrocketed. Shops hired more bike mechanics. The reason for the bike boom seems twofold: more people required alternatives to public transportation to distance themselves socially, and the pandemic motivated many to exercise more; to take more responsibility for their health. 

People of all ages realized the significance of exercise and an active lifestyle during the lockdown for their mental health and physical health. And honestly, sitting at home gets painfully boring after a long time. Outdoor recreation also soared as people looked for activities away from urban settings.

Bike frames and parts are back-ordered for months, a demand that has been unmatched for decades. Brands are quietly telling retailers this trend could continue into 2022 while bike manufacturers wait for raw material producers to catch up.  

Keeping Up the Momentum

The global bike market is expected to continue to grow. This is good news as we can hope for a world with individuals making conscious decisions around health and sustainability. Bicycles are a gateway for both.

If you are lucky to see a bike you want for sale these days, grab it! You may not see it again tomorrow.

Keep Epicenter Cycles in mind for any bicycle-related inquires. We are open for walk-ins and ready to pick up a call from you during our store’s hours.

Cheers to silver linings and bicycles!