Epicenter Cycling | Bike Shop - Electric & Traditional | Santa Cruz

Electric and traditional bike sales, rentals and service in Santa Cruz County

1730 Mission St, Santa Cruz 831.423.9000 - 8035 Soquel Dr, Aptos 831.662.8100

We love bikes and are your one stop for all things bicycle-related! We offer electric and traditional bikes for purchase; rental/demo bikes; cycling apparel, parts & accessories, an exceptional service department, and a mountain bike shuttle service from our Aptos store. Owned by local Shawn Wilson, and operated by friends & family.

Video: Cam McCaul Takes His Remedy to the Dirt Jumps

World renowned freeride mountain biker Cam McCaul recently asked his fans which bike he should take to the dirt jumps for his next video edit. The majority voted for him to take his Trek Remedy trail bike over his Trek dirt jump bikes because he had mentioned he didn’t feel like pushing his bike up the hill.

As Cam explains, “On the trail bike, you take a run through, pop the dropper post up, click through those gears, and next thing you know you're back to the top of the line keeping the ride alive.” Okay, make it sound easy, why don’t ya? !!

John Reynolds joined in the fun to shoot with "Cam's Dad Cam" and operate his “flying robot camera” while Tyler Roemer shot photos.

Cam says, “Dirt jumping on the trail bike takes a little getting used to, but once the bike is set up right and you get into the flow of things, its the best. You gotta be a little more aggressive with everything to keep the speed and throw the tricks, and you get to slash the corners if the opportunity arises. Its the best.”

Camera // John Reynolds Edit // Taylor Sage

Bike: Trek Remedy with Fox Suspension, Shimano drivetrain, Bontrager wheels/tires/bar/stem etc.